Thousands of students have changed their lives at Elima: The Center for Advanced Studies in Natural Healing

Elima invites you to embark on a transformative life journey

Nafshi: The Jewish Path to
Emotional Healing

Learn the secrets of natural healing for the nefesh and how to develop emotional balance according to the timeless wisdom of Kabbalah and Chassidut.

Receive a powerful set of practical tools, for personal and spiritual development, which will provide you, your family and community, with profound healing benefits.

Inner peace and joy are your birthright.
We are here to help you access it.

Elima invites you to join the Healing Revolution that has helped tens of thousands of patients in our clinics, and trained thousands of skilled graduates in our college. Embark on a transformative life journey THIS YEAR

Nafshi: The Jewish Path to Emotional Healing

Learn the secrets of natural healing for the nefesh
and how to develop emotional balance according to
the timeless wisdom of Kabbalah and Chassidut from authentic traditional sources.

Receive a powerful set of practical tools,
for personal and spiritual development, which will provide you,
your family and community, with profound healing benefits.

Inner peace and joy are your birthright.
We are here to help you access it.

:This program is for you if you are ready to

:This program is for you if you are ready to

Create an emotionally and spiritually healthy lifestyle

Learn practical wisdom and tools that will help you thrive, grow, and more easily navigate life’s ongoing daily challenges and mood shifts

Develop a strong emotional center

Connect to the confident, strong, and whole place inside of you. Shift from a victim mentality, that feels helpless and out of control, to an empowered self with a deep connection to your inner resources and Creator

Understand how life truly works

Learn the "instruction manual" of the mind & soul and gain tools to navigate with more ease and alignment, according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, Chassidut

Discover and actualize your mission in the world

Deepen your knowledge of yourself and your abilities in order to develop yourself fully and realize your true purpose in life

Become a professional guide/coach/advisor

Are you the person that your friends and family always turn to for advice and a listening ear? Now you can help them even more! For those interested in becoming a certified practitioner, we have an option for an additional year of training

   * Professional track is a 2-year course. Students must meet eligibility requirements

Embark on a new life journey

Embark on a new path full of hope and meaning. Transform yourself through a profound journey of personal development and inner work, guided and supported by our professional and kind staff

Reach out now to receive the 10% early-registration discount
for the upcoming school year!

Now is your chance to choose a more emotionally healthy and happy life *

✤ Previous academic background is not required for our courses ✤

Reach out now to receive the early-registration discount for the upcoming school year!

Now is your chance to choose a more emotionally healthy and happy life

✤ Previous academic background is not required for our courses ✤

:Meet your instructor

Personal message from Department Head, Rabbi Daniel Rosenthal

:Certification Program

27 sessions lasting 3.5 hours each 2 tests

27 live weekly sessions with our highly reknowned and loved Nafshi instructor, Rabbi Daniel Rosenthal

followed by 2 weekly practice sessions in more intimate groups with exclusively trained/certified practitioner and group facilitator

Weekly observation & journaling assignments

Group Whatsapp forum to build student community and answer all your questions

Opportunity for additional 1-on-1 consulting sessions with an experienced practitioner (additional fee)

Exclusive access to state-of-the-art online-educational website with course recordings

2 Exams

Introduction to Emotional Healing

• Clarify personal responsibility
• Get to know how the Divine soul and animal soul function
• Inner-quieting and self-observation

• Quit running nowhere fast

Basics of Emotional Healing

Identify & re-assess your personal thought patterns
• Detox from emotional-poisoning
• Foundational faith/ Emuna reset
• Understand the mirror your life presents

Emotional Detox

• Spiritual & traditional sources for the cleansing process

• Practical detoxification tools

• Renew positive habits & build a healthy psycho-spiritual routine

• The cleansing process
• Practical detoxification

Middat-HaHashpa'a: The Attribute of Positive Influence

• The influence process – the path to personal happiness
• Activating our personal role in manifesting a healthy society

Tools for Working
With Others

• Learn the Emotional Healing consultation structure 

• Study and practice passing the method to others

Review and Exam

• Consistent review of the studied material

• Mid-term and Final exam

:Meet the Students

Meet the Students:

.Alumni share their personal transformation stories (this could be you!)

and live a healthy and energetic life *

Certification of

On behalf of Elima - The Center for Advanced Studies
in Natural Healing

Graduates of the course will be entitled to a certificate
on behalf of Elima provided that the following conditions are met:

Eligibility requirements for the certificate:

  1. Mandatory attendance in at least 80% of classes
  2. A passing grade in the semester and end-of-year exams
    (Minimum score of 70)
  3. Submit all coursework
  4. Receive personal counseling (5 sessions – additional charge)
  5. Submit final self-reflection project
  6. Teaching staff evaluation 

- Hi, Nice to meet you
we are Elima

The Center for Advanced Studies
in Natural Healing

Elima was born out of a strong desire to help every person be healthier and to train the future generation of natural healing practitioners and has been leading the natural health revolution in Israel for two decades.

We have educated and healed thousands of participants through focused workshops, helped tens of thousands of patients heal in our clinics, and trained thousands of skilled graduates in our college.

Our vision is to provide the knowledge and guidance that will allow each person to be his own doctor, so that everyone can be a better person, for himself and for his surroundings.

At Elima, we wholeheartedly believe that
every person deserves to, and can be, happier by learning the Jewish path to emotional healing. Armed with the knowledge of the natural and infinite powers inherent in the soul and in creation, we can bring healing and balance into our lives and realize the full potential of our mind and body.

Our mission at Elima is
to make the knowledge, tools, guidance, and support accessible to every person who wants to be full of energy and live a healthy and happy life.

Your first step towards a new way of life starts here!

Why do people
choose Elima?

?Why do people choose Elima

Start the journey at the right place

Elima is the leader of the natural medicine revolution in Israel, with two decades of teaching, guiding, training thousands of graduates, and facilitating healing for tens of thousands of patients

Treat the root, not the symptoms

Elima is the only place that teaches a completely “clean” natural medicine program. We teach and practice using an approach that solves any problem from the root

For the Truth

The material taught at Elima is based on in-depth knowledge that is centuries old and from one constant and eternal truth

Get professional training

First-year graduates can confidently teach the people in their lives the healing process of Refuat Hanefesh. Second-year students graduate as qualified therapists who can work with people in a professional setting

Because of the mission
and the shared vision

Our team is motivated by a deep sense of mission and commitment to our students. We accompany them every step of the way and are always available for consultation and any questions

?Have a question
?Want to talk things out with us

Have a question?
Want to talk things out with us?

!We love sharing the magic of Elima with new people

Leave your details here and a live Elima student intern will happily get back to you! 😊